UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash

Full-stack User Experience Design: what it is and why you need it

The full-stack approach to UX design involves bringing together UX and UI designers at all stages of the process, from research to development. It is a holistic way of designing products that accounts for how users interact and experience their features and content. Full-stack designers are UX discipline generalists who take a multifaceted approach to build a product, conducting research, creating UI elements, building prototypes, and working closely with developers.

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UX, Artificial Intelligence Dmitri Atrash UX, Artificial Intelligence Dmitri Atrash

How Artificial Intelligence will change UX design

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way design is experienced. As UX designers, it is important to be aware of the implications this will have on our work. In the future, designers will need to be more collaborative and focus on user research and insights as AI becomes more intelligent. There may also be a shift in how people use computers, with tasks that are currently simple for humans becoming harder and more valuable for designers to know.

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UX, Inclusive Design Dmitri Atrash UX, Inclusive Design Dmitri Atrash

Inclusive design: creating digital products for everyone

Creating an inclusive design process is about ensuring that digital products are usable for everyone, regardless of their gender, race, abilities, religion, culture, and more. This involves designing in a way that is inclusive of different groups and is usable for different types of people in a variety of situations. To create an inclusive design, designers should consider the needs, limitations, and abilities of their target audience and the diversity of people who will use their product.

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UX, Business Dmitri Atrash UX, Business Dmitri Atrash

The ROI of UX Design: why user experience is an important investment

Investing in UX design and good user experience practices is crucial for businesses to stand out and differentiate themselves. A well-designed experience helps drive revenue, lowers costs, builds long-lasting customers, and helps businesses reach their goals faster. UX design connects users with a product or service and is critical to a business's success.

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UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash

How to use the OODA Loop in UX design

The OODA Loop is a decision-making model created by former US Air Force Colonel John Boyd. It consists of four steps: Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. The model can be applied to UX design by constantly observing users' reactions to designs, orienting oneself by considering how users will navigate and encounter problems with a product or service, making informed decisions that align with goals and fulfill customer needs, and then taking action.

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UX, Design Dmitri Atrash UX, Design Dmitri Atrash

Zen and the Art of UX Design

Shibumi is a Japanese concept of simplicity and subtlety that emphasizes natural beauty and cohesiveness with surroundings. It can be applied to various disciplines in design, including fashion, architecture, graphic and web design, and user experience design.

It consists of seven fundamental principles: austerity, simplicity, naturalness, subtlety, asymmetry, imperfection, and intimacy. These principles can help designers create more impactful, meaningful designs that capture a user's attention and make the interaction unforgettable.

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