User Experience Design, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash User Experience Design, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash

The Heat Death of Design

In the rapidly evolving world of UX design, a worrying trend threatens the core of creativity and innovation. 'The Heat Death of Design' delves into how the increasing standardization and data-driven approaches in the industry are stifling the unique voices of designers. This insightful piece explores the shift from visionary-led design to a homogenized landscape, the illusion of being 'design-driven,' and the risks of a stagnant future. It's a call to action for the UX community to embrace individuality, defy norms, and rekindle the innovative spirit in design. Join the conversation and help shape a diverse, dynamic future for design.

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UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash

Full-stack User Experience Design: what it is and why you need it

The full-stack approach to UX design involves bringing together UX and UI designers at all stages of the process, from research to development. It is a holistic way of designing products that accounts for how users interact and experience their features and content. Full-stack designers are UX discipline generalists who take a multifaceted approach to build a product, conducting research, creating UI elements, building prototypes, and working closely with developers.

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UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash UX, Design Thinking Dmitri Atrash

How to use the OODA Loop in UX design

The OODA Loop is a decision-making model created by former US Air Force Colonel John Boyd. It consists of four steps: Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. The model can be applied to UX design by constantly observing users' reactions to designs, orienting oneself by considering how users will navigate and encounter problems with a product or service, making informed decisions that align with goals and fulfill customer needs, and then taking action.

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